Farmers’ Training Conducted
Sl. No. | Name of the training | Date | Venue | No. of participants |
1. | Inland Fisheries Management for Livelihood Improvement of Rural Populace of Sundarbans, West Bengal | 05-08 September,2022 | ICAR-CIFRI Barrackpore | 24
Participations in Exhibitions/Mela
Sl. No. | Name of the Exhibition | Date | Venue |
Kultoli Krishi o Sanskriti MelA, WB | 28 February, 2022 | Kultoli, WB |
ICAR-CIFRI conducted a NFDB sponsored skill development programme |
A skill development program was organized for 50 farmers of Sundarbans at ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore during 2-4August, 2018 on “Conservation and Culture of Small Indigenous Fishes for Livelihood and Nutritional Security”. The program is sponsored by National Fisheries Development Board, Hyderabad, Govt. of India under CSS Blue Revolution Scheme. The training was organized based on the need of farmers as Sunderbans harbor various indigenous fish, which is nutritionally rich, and having a good market potential. The fishers were trained on various aspects of Small Indigenous Fish such as habit and habitat, nutritional value, disease, feed etc. Hands on training on water and soil quality analysis and exposure visit to East Kolkata Wetland was also arranged for the trainees. Dr. B. K. Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI interacted with the trainees and asked to promote culture of indigenous fish as these fishes are nutritionally richer as compared to exotic fish. Dr. U. K. Sarkar, Head, Reservoir and Wetland Fisheries Division also emphasized to promote culture of Small Indigenous Fishes as they fetch a good market price.The training programmewas coordinated by Dr. ArchanaSinha, Dr. Kavita Kumari and Ms. T. Nirupada Chanu.