
Research paper

Basu S, Chandra A, Gogoi P and Bhattacharyya S (2020). A multi-decadal comparative analysis of a set of physicochemical and nutrient parameters in the tropical tidal creeks of Indian Sundarban mangrove biosphere reserve. Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences, DOI: 10.1007/s41208-020-00273-1.

BayenS, Sinha A, Aftabuddin Md, Roy A, Parida PK, Ghosh A and Das BK (2020). Developing mola (Amblypharyngodon mola) based fish culture practices for addressing livelihood and nutritional security of rural populace of Indian Sundarban. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 8(6): 359-364.


Gogoi P, Das SK, Das Sarkar S, Chanum TN, Manna RK, Sengupta A, Raman RK, Samanta S and Das BK (2020). Environmental factors driving phytoplankton assemblage pattern and diversity: Insights from Sundarban eco-region. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology,


Ramteke MH, TayungT, SinhaA, GogoiP, Roy A, Mitra A and Das BK (2020). Effect of feeding on growth performances, survival and production of carp in the net partition system in canal of Sundarbans, India. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 8(4): 2184-2188.

Roy A, Sinha A, Manna RK, Aftabuddin M and Das SK (2020). Traditional knowledge of the fishermen community of Indian Sundarbans: An assessment of rationality and effectiveness. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 67(2): 94-101.

Sinha A, RoyA, GogoiP, Pandit A and Das BK (2020). Enhance inlivelihood of rural tribal of Sagar Island, Sundarbans through fisheries management in derelict open waters. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2(3): 300-306.

Tayung T, Gogoi P, Ramteke MH, Sinha A, Roy A, Mitra A and Das BK (2020). Occurrence of freshwater sponge Ephydatia fluviatilis Linneaus, 1759 (Porifera: Spongillidae) in the canal of Sundarbans eco-region, India. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 8(5): 36-39.


Technical/ Popular article

Gogoi P, Parida PK, Sinha A, Tayung T, Suresh VR and Das BK (2020). Canals in Indian Sundarbans: Opportunities towards livelihood improvement through fisheries intervention. Indian Farming, 70(11): 10-13.

Research Paper

Basu S, Bhattacharyya S, Gogoi P, Das Gupta S and Das SK (2021). Variations of surface water quality in selected tidal creeks of Sagar Island, Indian Sundarban eco-region: a multivariate approach. Applied Water Science, 11(3):63. (IF: 3.874)

Basu S, Chandra A, Gogoi P and Bhattacharyya S (2021). A Multi-decadal Comparative Analysis of a Set of Physicochemical and Nutrient Parameters in the Tropical Tidal Creeks of Indian Sundarban Mangrove Biosphere Reserve. Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences, DOI: 10.1007/s41208-020-00273-1. (IF: 0.62)

Ekka, Anjana, Arun Pandit, PK Katiha and DK Biswas. 2020. Economic value of ecosystem services of Gosaba estuarine ecosystem of Sundarbans. Journal of Inland Fisheries Society of India, 52(2): 157-163.

Gogoi P, Sinha A, Tayung T, Naskar M, Das Sarkar S, Ramteke MH, Das SK, Kumar KL, Suresh VR and Das BK (2021). Unravelling the structural changes of periphyton in relation to environmental variables in a semilotic environment in the Sundarban eco-region, India. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14(19): 1-16. (IF: 1.827)

Sau, S, Nagesh, TS, Trivedi, RK Abraham TJ, Dubey SK, Rout SK,  Biswas  I and Bhakta D.  2021. Spatial distribution and diversity inventory of macro-benthic fauna in the Indian Sundarban. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 68(1): 9-18. DOI: 10.21077/ijf.2021.68.1.72391-02.

Sinha A, Gogoi P, Tayung T, Das Sarkar S, Kumar L, Mitra A, Suresh VR and Das BK (2021). Quantification and visualization of the variability of phytoplankton assemblage in a semi-lotic seasonal canal in Sundarbans, India. Journal of the Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research, 39(2): 206-220.

Sinha A, Tayung T, Gogoi P, Ramteke MH, Roy A, Mitra A, Mondal S and Das BK (2021). Sustainable fish production through ecological and fisheries management of canals in Indian Sundarbans (West Bengal). Journal of Aquatic Sciences and Oceanography, 2(1): 204.


Research and Review Paper

Basu S, Gogoi P, Bhattacharyya S, Das SK and Das BK (2022). Variability in the zooplankton assemblages in relation to environmental variables in the tidal creeks of Sundarbans estuarine system, India. Environmental Science and Pollution Research29(30):45981-46002.

Das SK, Manna RK, Gogoi P, Rosith CM, Sajina AM and Das BK (2022).  Quantification of litter fall and estimation of nutrient release through in-situ decomposition of leaf litter from some important mangrove species for projected carbon sequestration of Indian Sundarbans. Journal of the Inland Fisheries Society of India, 54(1): 16-26.

Gogoi P, Chanu TN, Sinha A, Ramteke MH, Tayung T, Roy A and Das BK (2022). Fish assemblage pattern, seasonality and their interaction with environmental variables: insights from canals of Sundarbans, India. Tropical Ecology 63:626-643.


Popular Article:

Sinha A, Roy A, Gogoi P, Tayung T, Ramteke MH, Mitra A, Mondal S and Das BK (2022). Exploration of canal resources as a potential source for fish production in the Indian Sundarbans. Aquaculture Asia 26(1): 3-8.

Sinha A, Roy A, Gogoi P, Tayung T, Ramteke MH, Mitra A, Mondal A and Das B K  (2022). Exploration of canal resources as a potential source for fish production in Indian Sundarbans. AquacultureAsia26(1): 3-8



Books, Book Chapter, Bulletin, Policy Documents, Training Manual

Roy A, DebroyP and VKSanthana(2022). Sundarbaner gramin manuser jibon jibikar unnatikalpe antasthaliya matsyachas o tar babasthapana. ICAR-Central inland Fisheries research Institute, CIFRI Training Manual /2022/19.

Research and review papers

  1. Basu S, Gogoi P and Chandra A (2023). An accidental encounter with bloom of diatom Palmerina hardmaniana (Greville) Hasle in Sundarbans, India: Impact on zooplankton community structure in tidal creek environment. Marine Pollution Bulletin19:199:
  2. Das SK, Manna RK, Gogoi P, Roshith CM and Sajina AM (2023). Quantification of litter fall and estimation of nutrient release through in-situ decomposition of leaf litter from some important mangrove species for projected carbon sequestration of Indian Sundarbans. Journal of the Inland fisheries society of India54(1), 132368,16-26.
  3. Gogoi P, Roshith CM, Manna RK, Chanu TN, Jana C, Bhakta D, Koushlesh SK, Das SK, Sinha A, Samanta S and Das BK (2023). Assemblage pattern, guild compositions and seasonal dynamics of ornamental and food fishes in the Indian Sundarbans estuarine system: a model-based approach for sustainability. Aquatic Sciences 85(4), 112.
  4. Roy A, Manna RK, Ghosh S, Sahu SK and Das BK (2023). Assessment of women’s contribution in small‐scale fisheries in Indian Sundarbans: Issues, strategies, and way forward for sustainability. Fisheries Management and Ecology 30(3).
  5. Roy A, Naskar M, Sinha A, Manna RK, Sahu SK, Ekka A and Das BK (2023). Determinants influencing fishermen’s willingness-to-participate and willingness-to-pay for conservation of small indigenous fishes a model-based insight from Indian Sundarbans. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems7,1215091.
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