Scheduled Caste SubPlan Programme

The main objective of Scheduled Caste SubPlan is to give a thrust to family oriented schemes of economic development of SCs below the poverty line, by providing resources for filling the critical gaps and for providing missing vital inputs for their livelihood improvement. ICAR-CIFRI is implementing SCSP schemes to empower SC population through the input of fisheries  and also imparting knowledge of fisheries technology.

Wetland fisheries enhancement through pen culture and culture-based fisheries

SCSP programme was carried to socio-economic status of the SC community through the development of inland open water fisheries. Culture-based fisheries for sustainable wetland management and pen culture technologies were successfully demonstrated in five wetlands from West Bengal, namely, Chamordaha, Beledanga, Kumli, Panchita and Chamta beel from West Bengal, and Kespura-Paikasida wetland of Odisha.  IMC (catla, rohu and mrigal) and grass carp fish seed were raised in HDEP pen installed in the wetlands for advanced fingerling production which were then stocked in the wetlands for culture based fisheries for the enhancement of fish production. Apart from the stocking of fish through seed raising in pen, fish fingerlings were also provided separately to complement the deficiency of fish seed required to attain the fish yield potential of the six wetland.  Apart from these 6 wetlands, 7 more wetlands of West Bengal were adopted this year for pen culture and culture based fisheries. In all the 7 wetlands pen culture demonstration has been initiated by providing the CIFRI HDPE pen, fish seed, coracle and CIFRI feed.

Few of the pen structures were destroyed during Amphan cyclone in the selected wetlands. New pen, fish seed, feed and fishing boat and other supports were given in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic situation as a post Amphan cyclone support to the fishermen of the wetlands of West Bengal.


Women empowerment through ornamental fisheries

Ornamental fish culture was demonstrated for livelihood improvement of the fishers of the SC community of Amatali and Kochukali of Sundarbans, West Bengal.  Seventy (70) ornamental culture kit and FRP tanks were distributed in the two villages. Another two ornamental fish clusters were developed this year in west Bengal. Twenty five numbers of ornamental culture kit and FRP tanks were provided to the fishers of Khalsi wetland and 35 ornamental culture kit and FRP tanks were provided to the fishers of Kultali, West Bengal. During Amphan cyclone few ornamental kits were destroyed, so new implements were provided to those beneficiaries. 


Fish production enhancement from rainfed backyard ponds

Fish production enhancements from individual ponds were also targeted this year under SCSP. The fish farmers were sensitized and provided with fish farming inputs. In Kultali area of Sunderban, 196 fishers were provided with fish seed, lime and fish feed for their livelihoods improvement. In Santiniketan, Birbhum district of West Bengal, 77 SC families were provided with the inputs like fish seed, fish feed and lime for fish culture in their individual ponds. Sagar island was most affected in Cyclone “Amphan”. for the livelihoods improvement of the fish farmers, sensitization for the necessary steps for fish production enhancement was carried out and 250 SC beneficiaries were provided with fish seed, feed and lime.


Restoration of the cyclone affected fish culture units in Sunderbans

The cyclone YAAS caused massive devastation in Sunderbans affecting fishers and fish farmers severely. To strengthen their livelihood the institute supported the farmers by providing fishery inputs to restore the fishing and other pisciculture activities in the affected areas. In Sahebkhali and Amtali areas of Sundarbans 4000 kg lime, 42000 kg feed, 2200 kg fish seed and 80 liters of fish medicine were distributed among the 400 SC fish farmers. Additionally, 200 kg fish seed was released in two canals of these areas for sustainable canal fisheries development in Sunderbans. On this occasion, two awareness camps were also organized.

Fisheries awareness and input distribution programmes were organized in YAAS-devasted Sagar island of Sunderban. Nearly, 250 SC fish farmers had participated and 3 bags of fish feed and 3 kg of fish seeds and 10 kg lime were distributed to each of them. Fishers were also encouraged to do fish culture activity in a sustainable way.  

Distribution fisheries input to the Yass affected fishers of Ganga Sagar

Fisheries awareness and input distribution programme were also organized in Kultoli area. About 500 SC fish farmers participated and 52.5 t fish feed, 3.3 lakhs fish seeds, and 10 t lime were distributed among them. 

Director ICAR-CIFRI addressing the gathering at Kultali, West Bengal

Fish seed distribution to individual fishers

Ornamental fish culture

Another cluster of ornamental fish culture comprising 50 women was developed in Kultali West Bengal. Each woman was provided with ornamental fish culture unit consisting of FRP tanks, aerator, heater, aquatic plant, medicines, feeds, covering nets, extension wire and ornamental fish. The Institute developed ornamental fish culture cluster in adopted villages of Nimpith with the help of  Ramkrishna Ashram Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nimpith by adopting 50 Scheduled caste women. The Institute distributed 50 units of FRP ornamental tanks with fish-feed, ornamental fish and other accessories to the SC women.

Distribution of ornamental fish culture units


Fish Production enhancement from Backyard Ponds in Sunderbans

The Institute developed the backyard pond fisheries in Sunderban area. Fisheries input including fish seed, fish feed, medicines and lime was distributed to 1000 people in Kultali, Sundarbans to provide extra income and nutritional security by utilizing their backyard ponds for fish production. The SC beneficiaries supported by the SCSP programme in the previous year were also revived in the sensitization programme, fish seed and fish feed were distributed for livelihood development through fisheries. Fishery inputs viz. fish fingerlings, fish feed, lime etc were distributed to 250 beneficiaries at Ganga Sagar towards livelihood development and empowering Sagar Islands fishers. ICAR-CIFRI is tirelessly extending need-based support to the rural distressed fish farmers of Sunderban by providing various technological inputs for rejuvenating their livelihood under the SCSP programs. The initiative of ICAR-CIFRI for fish production enhancement from back yard ponds was highly appreciated by the Hon’ble Minister In Charge, Department of Sundarban Affairs, Shri Bankim Chandra Hazra. He also emphasized that the cyclone-prone Sunderban needs this type of intervention for their livelihood improvement.

Distribution of fisheries implements for backyard pond fish Production enhancement

Empowering women for sustainable livelihood development through backyard pond fish farming

Backyard pond fish culture is a simple intervention which is considered as one of the best options to improve livelihood of rural community. ICAR-CIFRI adopted SC women of Sunderbans for livelihood development through inland fisheries. Women Fishers Meet (Mahila Matasyajibi Sammelan) was organized to sensitize the women of Sunderban on the opportunities of inland fisheries for livelihood development. Dr. Himanshu Pathak, Secretary, DARE, Govt. of India and Director General, ICAR inaugurated and graced the occasion. Various fisheries inputs such as fish seed, fish feed and lime were provided to the 470 SC women from 38 hamlets under 17 GPs of Gosaba and Basanti block of Sundarbans for backyard pond fish farming.

An awareness programme on backyard pond fish culture was organized in collaboration with Kultali Milon Tirtha Society at Kultali, South 24 Parganas, West Bengal. Fisheries inputs in the form of fish seed and feed were distributed to the 100 SC women from six villages (Amjhara, Basanti, Ramchandrakhali, Uttar Mokamberia, Fulmalancha, Charavidya) of Basanti, Sunderban.

Income generation and livelihood support through Ornamental Fish Culture

 ICAR-CIFRI adopted 50 SC women of Sajnekhali, West Bengal and distributed ornamental fish culture unit consisting of FRP tank, aerator and other accessories, ornamental fish and ornamental fish feed to the individuals. In collaboration with Sasya Shyamala KVK, Sonarpur, West Bengal awareness cum input distribution programme on ornamental fish culture was organized. Ornamental fish culture units were received by 22 women beneficiaries who participated in the demonstration cum start up programme. The Ornamental fish culture inputs were distributed to 28 numbers SC women of Balagarh, West Bengal for sustainable livelihood development. An awareness programme on ornamental fish culture was carried out in Dakshin Dinajpur, West Bengal, where 50 SC women received ornamental fish culture units.

Helping out the stakeholders affected by disasters


The super cyclone YAAS caused massive devastation in Sunderbans affecting fishers and fish farmers severely. To strengthen their livelihood the institute supported the farmers by providing fishery inputs to restore the fishing and other pisciculture activities in the affected areas under the SCSP programme. In Sahebkhali and Amtali areas of Sundarbans 4000 kg lime, 42000 kg feed, 2200 kg fish seed and 80 liters of fish medicine were distributed among the 400 SC fish farmers. Additionally, 200 kg fish seed was released in two canals of these areas for sustainable canal fisheries development in Sunderbans. On this occasion, two awareness camps were also organized.

Fisheries awareness and input distribution programmes were organized in YAAS-devasted Sagar island of Sunderban. Nearly, 250 SC fish farmers had participated and 3 bags of fish feed and 3 kg of fish seeds and 10 kg lime were distributed to each of them. Fishers were also encouraged to do fish culture activity in a sustainable way.  

Distribution fisheries input to the Yass affected fishers of Ganga Sagar

Mahila Matsyajibi Sammelan

In collaboration with the Kultali Milan Tirtha Society, the institute organized Mahila Matasyajibi Sammelan (Women Fishers Meet) at Kultali, Sundarban, West Bengal on 19 May 2023. Dr. Himanshu Pathak, Secretary, DARE, Govt. of India, and DG, ICAR, inaugurated the event as the Chief Guest. Other distinguished guests were Dr. B. K. Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI; Dr. Gouranga Kar, Director, ICAR-CRIJAF; and Dr. D. B. Shakyawar, Director, ICAR-NINFET. Dr. Pathak, in his address, said that the rural population of Sundarban is suffering due to continuous natural disasters like cyclones. He acknowledged the excellent and exceptional work carried out by ICAR-CIFRI for the livelihood enhancement of women fishers in the Sundarban. Around five thousand fishers, including 3,000 women, participated in the meet.

Women Fishers Meet at Kultali, Sundarban


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