STC Programmes in West Bengal

Severe cyclonic storm Bulbul and ICAR-CIFRI initiatives under Tribal SubPlan

On 9 November 2019 a severe cyclonic storm Bulbul caused severe storm surges, heavy rains, and flash floods in West Bengal. Bulbul made landfall near the Sagar Island, Sundarbans causing extensive damage. Two of CIFRI’s STC adopted areas, viz., Sagar and Gosaba Islands of South 24 Parganas were highly affected by this cyclonic storm. The STC team of ICAR-CIFRI visited the affected areas in December 2019 and January 2020.

The team members advised the beneficiaries to immediately clean up the ponds by removal of all the fallen trees/ tree parts from the ponds and removing the bottom organic matter as much as possible. Team also recommended lime application in proper doses according to their pond size and demonstrated the procedure of lime application. The quantity of daily feeding to the fishes according to the stocking density into the pond was also recommended by the team to the beneficiaries.

Limes were distributed to the beneficiaries of the Sagar Island (total 800 kg) and the Goshaba Island (total 1000 kg). Fish feed was also distributed among the beneficiaries of Sagar Island (total 10 tonnes). On 12 February 2020, a total of 450 kg of IMC fingerlings were distributed among the beneficiaries of Sagar Island for restocking in their ponds. On 20 March 2020 total of 125 kg of IMC fingerlings were distributed among the beneficiaries of the Goshaba Island.

Post-Amphan support extended in Sundarbans

The super cyclone “Amphan” made its landfall between Sagar Island, Sundarbans, and Kakdwip, West Bengal on 20 May 2020. The monstrous cyclone unleashed high-speed winds, heavy rainfall, and a storm surge. It ravaged the Sundarbans and wreaked tenfold devastation than “Aila” did. Besides these, saltwater entered into several fish ponds and agricultural fields due to high tidal waves during Amphan causing a huge loss of fisheries and crops in the area. Moreover, lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic had worsened the situation severely impacting fishers/fish farmers’ income and livelihood. To stand by the affected ST community of the remote villages of Sundarbans ICAR-CIFRI took initiatives for socio-economic protection and upliftment of the rural tribal populace of Sundarbans.

Kultali, Basanti in South 24 Parganas district

Basanti Block of South 24-Parganas district has a total population of 336,717 as per the Census 2011, out of which 35% belongs to Scheduled Caste and 6% belongs to Scheduled Tribe population. To support the livelihoods of the populace of marginalized community ICAR-CIFRI held hands with Kultali Milan Tirtha, a non-profit organization to reach the unreached of Kultali, Basanti. The Institute distributed 5000 kg lime, 2.5 tonnes fish feed, and 900 kg fish seed to 256 fishers families (SC-196 and ST-60) residing at Kultali, Basanti, Sundarban, West Bengal on 17 August 2020.

Empowering rural women of Kulatali, Basanti

In the post-Amphan period, ICAR-CIFRI took initiatives to help the rural scheduled caste and tribal fisher folks of this block. The Institute imparted off-campus training and demonstrations for establishing home-based ornamental fish culture units to empower the rural womenfolk. The Institute distributed ornamental fish, rearing tanks, blowers, and other accessories, thermostats, fish feeds, medicines among 20 tribal women fishers for setting up ornamental fish culture units in their own houses. After setting up the units CIFRI also monitored their fish culture practice regularly, giving them inputs and clearing their doubts. The women are now able to rear the fish and breed them in their units.

Deltaic Sundarbans:  Gosaba Island and Sagar Island

ICAR-CIFRI extended the advisory and fisheries inputs to support the Amphan affected 159 beneficiaries of Gosaba and Sagar Islands, Sundarbans. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and lock-down situation all the advisory support was given over the telephone. About 1000 kg of lime, 3 tonnes fish feed, and 150 kg seed were distributed among 59 STC beneficiaries of Rangabelia, Gosaba, Sundarban on 2 November 2020; 380 kg fish seed was distributed to 98 tribal fishers along with 1600 kg lime and 5 tonnes fish feed on 16 September 2020 in Sagar Island.

Distribution of submersible pump set at Gosaba

Saltwater ingress is a common problem of deltaic Sundarbans. Amphan triggered heavy tidal waves from coastal rivers and saltwater inundated ponds and other water bodies killing freshwater fish varieties like rohu, catla, and mrigal. To support the tribal fishermen community in their fish farming, ICAR-CIFRI distributed one submersible pump set to the fishermen of Rangabelia, Gosaba, Sundarban belonging to the tribal community on 13 October 2020. This pump set is shared among 120 fisher families living in the locality.

Cast net distribution in Sagar Island

The devastation of Amphan was so intense at Sagar Island that many areas remained inaccessible 48 hours after the cyclone. To support the livelihoods of the tribal fishers  35 cast nets were distributed to the tribal fishermen of Sagar Island through Krishnanagar Swami Vivekanda Youth Cultural Society, Sagar.

Palotghat,  Kakdwip

About 450 kg of fish seed and 3000 kg of lime were distributed to the 146 ST beneficiaries of Kakdwip block on 07 December 2020 under the Tribal Sub-Plan to support their livelihoods.

Awareness and input distribution programme for YAAS affected fishers of Sagar Island.

The cyclone Yaas has badly affected the Sagar Island. With the objective to support the livelihoods of the Yaas affected tribal populace awareness cum input distribution programme was organized on 20 October 2021 in Sagar Island. Fish seed, feed, lime were distributed  to 98 tribal fishers of the Sagar Island.  Sri B. C. Hazra, Hon’ble Minister, Sundarbans affairs, Govt. of West Bengal highly appreciated the initiative of the Institute for livelihood of the tribal populace.               

Livelihood support through sustainable fisheries development at Palot Ghat, Kakdwip

Most people, particularly those belonging to the Scheduled Tribe community living in Kakdwip block, South 24 Parganas district, West Bengal are economically backward. Further, COVID-19 pandemic and frequent occurrences of natural disasters like cyclone, flood etc. have severely impacted their livelihood. ICAR-CIFRI distributed fisheries inputs to 146 ST beneficiaries of Kakdwip block on 15 December 2021 for livelihood development through fisheries. Each beneficiary was given 3 kg of fish seed, 20 kg of lime and 105 kg of fish feed. An NGO, named SKSVYCS and working in the locality, has also extended its supporting hand for conducting the programme.


Input support for fish production enhancement of ST fishers of Gosaba block

The Institute organized a sensitization-cum-input distribution programme for sustainable fisheries development towards livelihood security for ST beneficiaries of Rangabelia village of Gosaba block in Sunderbans on 17 December 2021. The Institute staff members lead by Dr. Sanjoy Bhowmick, Chief Technical Officer visited the remote village and sensitized the local people about potential of fisheries development in improving the livelihood as well as the nutritional security the local populace. They also discussed on various aspects of scientific fisheries management such as fish nutrition, feed, health, etc. On this day, each of the 50 ST beneficiary was given 3 kg of fish seed, 20 kg of lime and 105 kg of fish feed. One local NGO, SKSVYCS, has also supported to make the programme successful.


 Fish production enhancement from backyard pond of Sagar Island

The ST beneficiaries supported through the STC programme in the previous year were also revived in the sensitization programme, fish seed and fish feed were distributed for livelihood development through fisheries on 29th September,2022. Fishery inputs viz. fish fingerlings, fish feed, lime etc were distributed to 150 ST beneficiaries at Ganga Sagar towards livelihood development and empowering Sagar Islands fishers.The initiative of ICAR-CIFRI for fish production enhancement from back yard ponds was highly appreciated by the Hon’ble Minister In Charge, Department of Sundarban Affairs, Shri Bankim Chandra Hazra. He also emphasized that the cyclone-prone Sunderban needs this type of intervention for their livelihood improvement.

Input distribution programme at Gosaba, Sundarbans

ICAR-CIFRI organised an input distribution programme at Rangabelia village under Gosaba block, Sundarban on 28th October, 2022. Fifty two tribal beneficiaries were given fisheries input for their livelihood support. Each beneficiary was given 5 kg fish fingerlings of Indian Major Carp, 20 kg lime and 105 kg CIFRI Cage Grow feed for culture of  IMCs in their household ponds and that will meet their nutrition demand and also help them to earn better livelihoods.

CIFRI celebrated “Tribal Pride Day” at the remote corner of Sundarbans

To commemorate the birth anniversary of Birsa Munda, one of the greatest Indian freedom fighters, ICAR-CIFRI reached the remote villages of Sundarbans of West Bengal on 15th November, 2022. On this occasion, Dr. B. K. Das, Director along with scientist, technical staff and research scholar organized a mass awareness – cum- input distribution programme at Palotghat, Kakdwip.On this day, Dr. Das distributed 750 kg fish seed, 15 tonnes fish feed and 3 tonnes lime to 150 number of tribal families. The overall programme was conceptualized and conducted by CIFRI in collaboration of a local NGO named as Sagar Krishnanagar Swami Vivekananda Youth Cultural Society. In totality, the programme imbibed the local tribal fishermen with lots of motivation for scientific fish farming towards livelihood improvement.

Tribal Women of Sundarbans trained on ornamental fish farming

Ornamental fish farming training was organized at ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore for 19 rural women of Kultali, Sundarbans during 14 to 16 February, 2023 with a mission to develop the livelihood of the rural community through ornamental fish culture. The training programme was designed based on hands-on sessions, class room teaching and exposure visit. Knowledge and skill on Fabrication of an aquarium, natural and artificial feed preparation, feeding technique, breeding technique of livebearers and egg layers ornamental fish, maintenance and monitoring of aquarium such as water quality management, use of aerator and thermostats, selection of compatible aquarium fish species etc were imparted through the training. Exposure visit was conducted to an ornamental fish market and farming units. At the valedictory session, manual on ornamental fish farming written in Bengali were distributed among the trainees.

ICAR-CIFRI  initiated ‘Mission 3000’ programme at Kultali

ICAR-Central inland fisheries Research Institute Organised Mahila Matasyajibi Sammelan (Women Fishers Meet) at Kultali, Sundarbans, West Bengal in collaboration with Kultali Milantirth Society on 19 May 2023. Dr. Himanshu Pathak, Secretary, Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Govt. of India and Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research inaugurated the meet as the Chief Guest. Other distinguished guests were Dr. B. K. Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI, Dr. Gouranga Kar, Director, ICAR-CRIJAF and Dr. D. B. Shakyawar, Director, ICAR-NINFET. Honourable Secretary, DARE & DG, ICAR distributed fisheries inputs like fingerlings, ICAR-CIFRI Cagegrow feed etc. to 30  tribal women fish-farmers who have backyard ponds with an average area ranging from 0.02 ha to 0.04 ha in their household. These women beneficiaries have been selected from a vast area covering 38 hamlets under 17 GPs of two Community Development Blocks namely, Gosaba and Basanti of Sundarbans. More than five thousand fishers including 3000 women fishers participated in the meet.

 Initiative to address SDG 5

ICAR-CIFRI has been supporting the tribal community, one of the most vulnerable sections of the population of Sagar Island by providing technological inputs for rejuvenating their livelihood through fish farming under the STC programme. In this programme, CIFRI distributed fisheries inputs to 252 ST woman-fishers who have backyard ponds with an average area ranging from 0.02 ha to 0.04 ha in their household. All the households belonging to Scheduled Tribe community residing in Sagar Island have been covered in this programme. CIFRI has distributed 6 kg of IMC seeds, 20 kg of lime and 90 kg of fish feed to each beneficiary in this programme under the Scheduled Tribe Component.

Input Distribution and mass awareness program in Gosaba under TSP

ICAR-CIFRI had organized two awareness camps in Sunderbans, West Bengal under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) for the livelihoods enhancements of tribals through fisheries intervention. An awareness camp was organized for 600 tribal fishers in Amtoli village, Gosaba, Sunderban on 18-02- 2018. The awareness camp was aimed to explore the potentials of unutilized canals in the area through community based culture fisheries and to improve the fish production from the house hold ponds. The fishers were advised to utilize the canals of the village for fish production using scientific techniques. During the interaction, the fishers were keen to know about fish farming techniques along with mitigation and remedial measures for fish disease management. After this, a second awareness camp was organized for 150 tribal fishers in Kalitala Village, Hingalganj, Sunderban on 19-02- 2018. During the camp fish feed (1.25 tons) was distributed among the tribal fishers for improvement canal fisheries in this area. Dr. A.E. Eknath, Former DG, NACA; Dr. Dilip Kumar, Former VC, ICAR-CIFE; Dr. V. R. Chitranshi, Former ADG (inland Fisheries), ICAR; Dr. B. C. Jha, former HoD, ICAR-CIFRI and Dr. B. K. Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI interacted with the tribal fishers.

During the interactive sessions, Dr. A.E. Eknath, Former DG, NACA advised the fish farmers to follow the guidelines developed by ICAR-CIFRI for enhancing the fish production in canals. On this occasion, Dr. V. R. Chitranshi, Former ADG (Inland fisheries), ICAR suggested various ways for utilization of existing natural resources and conservation of fish diversity to the tribal fishers. Dr. B. C. Jha, Former HoD, ICAR-CIFRI recommended the tribal fish farmers to take the benefit of scientific knowledge developed by ICAR-CIFRI to enhance their livelihoods by fisheries interventions.

Dr. Dilip Kumar, Former Vice–chancellor of ICAR-CIFE advised the fish farmer to adopt Canal fisheries as a new concept from ICAR-CIFRI. He also informed the tribal fish farmers that Canals can be utilized scientifically for fish production and livelihoods enhancement through community based approach.

Dr. B. K. Das, Director ICAR-CIFRI ensured the tribal fish farmers about the timely service of ICAR- CIFRI for fisheries development in the area and capacity development for 15 youths in fish farming, and another 15 youths in water and soil quality testing. He advised the farmers to develop their entrepreneurial skills for fish production and livelihoods enhancement from inland open waters. During the camps, Dr. A. K. Das, Principal Scientist; Dr. P. K. Parida Nodal Officer, TSP; Dr. Lianthuamluaia, Scientist and Mr. C. N. Mukherje, CTO of ICAR-CIFRI also interacted with the tribal fishers and provided various technical inputs for scientific fish farming.


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